Knightdale United Methodist
Tuesday, March 11, 2025


1. How do I find out what's going on at KUMC? 

Knightdale UMC is a thriving faith community and there is always something going on!  There are a variety of ways to stay "in the know".  Consult the online calendar, read the Sunday bulletin announcements, subscribe to our ongoing commuications such as the monthly newsletter or our weekly e-blast.     

2. How do I get involved with choir or other musical groups? 

Each of our musical groups are always looking for new members.  Whether you sing, play an instrument, dance, are interested in multimedia and sound, or simply want to offer your organizational talents, you would be welcomed!  For more information on joining these groups, check out Worship Arts Ministries.       

3. How do I find a Sunday School class?

KUMC offers dynamic Sunday School classes for all age groups. You can find more detailed information at the pages for Adults, Youth, and Children.  

4. What do Methodists believe? 

United Methodists profess the historic Christian faith. We encourage you to read more at the, the website of the United Methodist Church, or attend our worship service or other programs and ask lots of questions. Go ahead - be nosy!

5. How do I get involved at KUMC?

There are many ways to get involved at KUMC - from Bible Studies, small groups, and volunteer opportunities to missions and music.  All are open to anyone who wants to participate, members and visitors alike. A great way to get involved is to stop by the Information table in the Lobby, just outside the Worship Room, where friendly volunteers are on hand to greet you and help you find a way to get connected. Or check out Connect for ideas to help you plug in and get involved. 

6. What is expected of members?

Each member of KUMC commits to support the ministries of the church through their time, talents, gifts, service, and witness.  We fulfill these commitments through:
  1. Regular worship
  2. Spiritual growth through small group study 
  3. Service to God by serving others in the congregation, the community, and the world
  4. Giving in proportion to our income
  5. Proclaiming the Good News in word and deed

7. How can I join KUMC? 

If you are considering membership at KUMC, consider attending "Coffee With the Pastor" where you'll learn more about the church, get to know our pastor, and have the opportunity to ask questions regarding membership.  Watch the bulletin and web site for information on upcoming dates. 

8. When are KUMC's weekly worship services? 

We offer a blended worship service each week on Sunday mornings.  It  incorporates elements of both traditional and contemporary forms of worship and includes both a Worship Choir and a Praise Team/Band. Our services are also available to view online through our Facebook page.  

9. What should I wear to worship at KUMC?

You can expect to see a wide variety of attire at our church.  We are a relaxed, friendly congregation and attempt to place the focus on our worship of God versus what everyone is wearing.  Wear what makes you feel comfortable and appropriate for worship.   

10. Should I bring my child to worship?  

Children are always welcome in worship at KUMC.  Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me."  We enjoy the youthful energy, the hugs and smiles, and the laughter.  Each service offers either Godly Play or a special children's moment.  For parents of very young children, if you prefer, you may have your children cared for in our Prayground located in the back of the Worship Room.