Knightdale United Methodist
Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Ways to Give

The act of giving is a response to what God is doing in our lives and represents an act of worship in which we thank God for our blessings and acknowledge that everything we have is a gift from God. The Bible teaches us to give a tithe, the first ten percent of what we earn, to God and God's work.  For some, the giving of the tenth is a goal, for others, it is the starting point.  If you are not yet tithing, consider taking a step toward the tithe this year. 

There are lots of ways to donate to Knightdale UMC:
  • Weekly worship offerings
  • Online through our secure portal
  • Mail to Knightdale UMC, 7071 Forestville Rd., Knightdale, NC 27545
  • Place it in the dropbox by the main entrance door or the locked mailbox by the Forestville Rd. entrance
  • Go through "Bill Pay" at your bank
  • Text Giving.  Text "knightdaleumc" to 77977



Giving back to God for all that He has already given to us is part of what we are called to do as Christians.  To set up a One Time or Recurring Donation through the secured Pushpay site, click the button below.
or you can Text "knightdaleumc" to (833) 766-3882 to donate