Knightdale United Methodist
Tuesday, October 22, 2024


Sponsored by the United Methodist Women, we have several ongoing "recycling" projects:
Can-Do:  we CAN redeem our aluminum for cash and CAN further our financial support through our giving to the Knightdale United Methodist Women, Men and Youth mission work. You CAN help... just begin or continue your collection of aluminum CANS to support our CAN DO DAY. 
Cellphone Recycling:  did you know that old, unused cellphones can still provide lifesaving access to 911 for emergencies?  Donate your old phone and we'll ensure that it gets to a women's shelter for just that purpose.  Note: Remove the SIM card and clear the memory before dropping it into the donation box in the Coffee Bar area. 
Eyeglasses Recycling:  your old pair of glasses may not be working for you anymore, but we NEED them!  Please donate your unused glasses and we'll ensure a worthy charity receives them.  Look for the donation box in the Coffee Bar area. 

The A-B-C's of Recyclable Items: 

A is for:  Aluminum Can Tabs:  Donated to Ronald McDonald House, where your can tab is matched in a cash donation by a supporting company, to help families have a safe and close place to stay while their loved one is hospitalized.
B is for:  Box Tops for Education:  Given to our local schools for redemption in school equipment
C is for: Campbell’s Soup UPC with Campbell Kid symbol:  United Methodist College for school equipment.
P is for:  Pennies, where every day we put a penny in a jar and say a prayer for our missionaries in our communities and around our world.  
For more information on any of these projects, contact the Church Office or any member of the UMW.