Knightdale United Methodist
Wednesday, March 12, 2025

KUMC Food Pantry

The Food Pantry collects and distributes food bags to those in our area who are food insecure.  The pantry, a joint mission project supported by the Knightdale Alliance of Churches, is housed at Knightdale UMC.  Unlike other area food banks, we operate on an honor system - no paperwork is required to demonstrate proof of need. 
Food Distribution: Mondays, 9:30 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. (or until all bags are distributed)
Location:  7071 Forestville Rd. in the Kitchen (located in the north end of the building behind the Worship Room)
Did you know...
More than 9% of the population of East Wake County lives at or below the poverty line?  
Over 31% of children in East Wake County live in poverty? 
Our Food Pantry serves about 60 families per week?  
We also partnered with local schools to provide food for about 40 children on weekends? 
Wondering how can you help? 
  • Donate - food or funds are always needed
  • Organize a food drive at your office or in your neighborhood
  • Solicit businesses or neighborhoods to conduct food drives
  • Volunteer - helpers are needed to shop for food, stock the shelves, and create and distribute bags
  • Pray - we covet your prayers for the continued success of this important mission
Knightdale Alliance of Churches Food For Thought” Project:  Donate food for the “backpack” bags provided for children in need through our local schools who may not receive food on weekends otherwise.  Items needed for "backpack" bags: 
  • Peanut Butter
  • Macaroni & Cheese
  • Individual Fruit or Applesauce cups
  • Saltine Crackers
  • Individual packs of Instant Oatmeal
  • Ramen Noodles
Suggestions?  Comments?  Want to volunteer?  Contact Brenda Wester, Food Pantry Director, through the church office at 919-266-2373 or .